Ridime – Fiat-to-crypto transactions, 2023


During my involvement in the Ridime project, which focused on building customer loyalty through cryptocurrencies, I took on the role of project manager and frontend developer. Here are the key details of my responsibilities and achievements:

  1. Project Management: As the project manager, I collaborated closely with the client to define project requirements, objectives, and budget. I ensured effective communication and coordination between the client and the development team throughout the project lifecycle.
  2. Vouchers Convertible in Cryptocurrency: Ridime aimed to offer exclusive crypto benefits to improve sales and customer loyalty. We developed a solution where customers could use vouchers that could be converted into cryptocurrencies, providing a simple and fast way to engage with digital currencies.
  3. Market Research and Solution Selection: To identify the most suitable solution for voucher conversion, we conducted market research and collaborated with industry partners such as Bity and Mont PĂ©lerin. Ultimately, we leveraged the Binance API in Python to facilitate the conversion of cryptocurrencies via the exchange platform.
  4. Headless Application and WordPress Integration: The project involved the development of a headless web application using Nuxt.js and Tailwind CSS, coupled with a WordPress backend. This architecture allowed for seamless content management and publication while providing flexibility and scalability.
  5. UX Design Methodology: To ensure an optimal user experience, I applied UX design methodologies to help the client design and refine their solution. This involved conducting user research, creating wireframes and prototypes, and iterating on the designs based on user feedback.
  6. Frontend Development: As the responsible frontend developer, I implemented the frontend components of the Ridime application using Vue.js, ensuring clean and efficient code that aligned with the design specifications.
  7. Project Team and Collaboration: The project involved a team of three individuals, including a DevOps specialist and another developer. I collaborated closely with them to ensure smooth integration between the frontend and backend components, maintaining effective communication and addressing technical challenges.


Throughout the Ridime project, I successfully managed the project, defined requirements and budget  and led frontend development efforts.

By utilizing my expertise in project management, UX design, and frontend development, we created a solution that allowed customers to leverage cryptocurrencies for improved sales and loyalty, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience.